Coronavirus: Is it really a Conspiracy?

Muhammad Zunair
4 min readMar 16, 2020


Maybe, maybe not!

In 1969, when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin successfully completed Apollo 11 mission and became the first humans to set their feet on the moon, a lot of us couldn’t perceive it as a reality. They were some serious doubts, and a lot of questions were raised. Later, a number of conspiracy theories were born out of these doubts, calling it a hoax and labeling it as ‘staged and fake’. Interestingly, prior to the moon landing in 1969, a renowned and arguably one of the greatest Hollywood directors of all time, Stanley Kubrick made a space movie, named 2001: A Space Odyssey, and hinted at moon landing in the near future. Fascinating! So, the main proponents of the moon landing conspiracy proposed that NASA did the trick by hiring Stanley Kubrick and then filming the whole thing in a theater, using all the equipment and sets which were used for the movie a year ago. Again, interesting! However, the veracity of their claims couldn’t be confirmed and ultimately, these theories ceased to exist. Moreover, in the backdrop of USSR-US Space Race, these theories sounded more like propagandistic than the truth.

Nonetheless, in 1980, Stanley Kubrick made another movie, named The Shining, starring Jack Nicholson, and gave a number of hints, suggesting that moon landing didn’t actually happen rather it was indeed a hoax. Now, I’m not inferring that this movie somehow confirmed the moon landing conspiracy but it added to the curiosity that how all those events coincided with each other in such a paradigm that the moon landing felt more like an orchestrated event than real!

So, why I am talking about all this in 2020, especially when the whole world doesn’t seem to care any less, amid this Coronavirus chaos?

Well, Coronavirus is exactly the very reason I am talking about such conspiracy theories. A couple of weeks ago, former President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad tweeted that the Coronavirus was produced in a lab with the purpose of waging a biological war against humanity. Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, followed the same rhetoric, labeling Coronavirus to be a biological weapon. Although there is no concrete evidence, yet Iranian and Chinese media outlets and officials seem quite sure that this pandemic is nothing but a biological weapon. And ever since the emergence of crisis, they are constantly pushing the narrative that the US is behind this global health emergency and is trying to weaponize the crisis for political gains.

Image from Unsplash

I didn’t pay attention to such theories as they were based on speculations, rumors and propaganda. However, a few days ago, I wrote a piece on Coronavirus and a friend texted me, saying that he couldn’t believe that this pandemic emerged out of nowhere and that he was confident about this theory that Coronavirus was indeed a biological weapon, produced for the purpose of changing the World Order. Sounds interesting! Although I wasn’t ready to believe this (I still have some serious doubts about the veracity of these theories), yet it really intrigued me to do some research and investigate these ideas. As I went through some articles and Youtube videos, I came across this video, where a guy was talking about this Movie, Contagion, which apparently predicted Coronavirus (or any such virus) back in 2011. I was like ‘Wow’. It furthered my curiosity and made me think more about it.

Thus, I watched the movie and I must say that Contagion, prescient as it is, actually predicted Coronavirus almost 9 years ago. Additionally, there are some extraordinary similarities between the fictional virus in the movie, and the one the whole world is struggling to deal with in 2020. For instance, in the movie the virus originated from a bat and then spread from Hong Kong to the whole world.

Maybe a coincidence, maybe not!

As I was still wrapping my head around all this, another friend sent me a paragraph from this book, End of Days, in which Sylvia Browne predicted a severe pneumonia-like illness, quite similar to COVID-19, back in 2008. In the words of Browne, “In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it has arrived, attack again 10 years later, and then disappear completely.” Although she was wrong about a lot of things, yet she successfully predicted Corona (or any such virus). Whether it was just a prediction or someone took is as an inspiration? Still not sure about that.

So, is it a biological weapon, aimed at changing the World Order? I am not sure. Is it just a coincidence that Sylvia Browne foresaw it, back in 2008 or the movie, Contagion, predicted it in 2011? Again, I am as confused and intrigued as any of you. However, it can be concluded that in this time of Hybrid Warfare, one cannot eliminate the possibility of Coronavirus or any such bio-weapon to be used in an attempt to gain political advantage or to change the world order.

Till we find the truth, stay safe and stay protected.



Muhammad Zunair
Muhammad Zunair

Written by Muhammad Zunair

27-year old child -- trying to exist amid this chaos by penning down his thoughts on philosophy, psychology, history & an eclectic mix of topics.

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